The research thrusts of the ECE Department include:
BioElectrical Engineering - BioDevices
Electrical Engineering focusing on biomedical devices inspired from biological systems or addressing biological requirements. Monitoring devices, instrumentation sensors and systems, biorobotics, nanobiotechnologies and biomaterials are some of the technologies in this research area.
BioElectrical Engineering - BioComputation
The development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and compuational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral and social systems.
Computer Systems
Computer architectures, VLSI design, pervasive computing, virtual reality, cloud computing, parallel and distributed computing
Micro- and Nano-Electronics
Wide band gap semiconductor materials, silicon photonics, multifunctional sensors, materials and devices for green energy, nanophotonics, bioelectronics, analog and digital integrated circuit design
Signals, Systems, Information Processing
Signal processing, multimedia, speech and image processing, MIMO radar, compressive sensing, visual computing, cyberphysical systems, control theory, data visualization, machine learning, distributed computing
Communications and Networking
Wireless communications, information theory, sensor networks, green networks, next generation internet architectures, dynamic spectrum access, cooperative approaches, cognitive radio, resource management, information theory, information security, physical layer security, network coding, underwater communications