Rutgers ECE Entrepreneurship Series: Rutgers I-Corps, Driving Innovation through Customer Discovery

Wed, 09/16/2020 - 10:00am to 11:00am
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Are you interested in becoming an entrepreneur and potentially starting a company?

Do you have an innovative idea that you think could one day become a commercial product?

Explore how your idea or innovation could be used in the real world!

Learn about possible commercial applications

Get funding for customer discovery to “get out of the building”

Come to this info session by the I-Corps program and learn how you as an ECE undergraduate or graduate student could become the next entrepreneur!

Here is the Webex event link 

If needed, here is the event number: 120 341 9309
If needed, here is the event password: jpJs2tNwW43
The event link will be active starting at 9:55 AM.