Hang Liu received a new NSF grant from CICI on Prompt, Reliable, and Safe Security Update for Cyberinfrastructure

ECE Assistant Professor Hang Liu received a new grant titled "CICI: TCR: Prompt, Reliable, and Safe Security Update for Cyberinfrastructure" from NSF. It is a collaboration between Rutgers and the University of Utah. There is only one institute per submission. Rutgers is the sub-awardee of the project, and its share is $300K. (Total award is ~$1.2 million for three years.)

Cyberinfrastructure plays a crucial role in the nation's critical infrastructures, driving advancements in science, engineering, education, and collaboration. However, cyberinfrastructure also becomes a perfect target for cyber attackers due to its high-value data (e.g., nuclear test results) and massive computing resources (e.g., supercomputers). As shown by data, cyber-attacks are happening to cyberinfrastructure more frequently, causing remarkable damage to the economy, environment, public health, and even national security. This project aims to transition recent cybersecurity advancements and techniques for enhancing cyberinfrastructure resilience under cyber threats. In particular, this project ensures that security updates, or patches, for software systems running on cyberinfrastructure, are adopted in a timely, reliable, and safe way, which can help eliminate up to 85 percent of targeted attacks, according to US-CERT. The research outcomes advance the scientific study of software patching under challenging conditions such as limited monetary resources, insufficient admin expertise, and highly diverse environments. The research outcomes are also projected to deploy to large-scale cyberinfrastructure platforms, including Utah CHPC (a 5,600-user platform) and many similar platforms (e.g., PNNL, ORNL, and the Rutgers Office of Advanced Research Computing).
More project information can be found at here: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2319880.

Congratulations to Hang!