WINLAB/ECE Team lead by Roy Yates receives NSF Grant for edge-cloud enabled machine learning

A team of Rutgers WINLAB/ECE faculty, led by Distinguished Professor Roy Yates as the PI, has received a three-year, $1,000,000 grant entitled "RINGS: REALTIME: Resilient Edge-cloud Autonomous Learning with Timely Inferences" from the NSF as part of NSF's recent multi-million dollar program aimed at the development of intelligent, resilient, and reliable next generation -- or NextG -- networks. More details about this NSF investment, termed RINGS—short for Resilient and Intelligent Next-Generation Systems, can be found in an NSF press release.
In this project, the team comprising of ECE faculty members Roy Yates, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Anand Sarwate and Waheed Bajwa, will design and experimentally validate a mobile edge cloud (MEC)-based distributed machine learning (ML) system that will act as an enabler of emerging real-time applications, ranging from augmented reality and smart cities to autonomous vehicles, with strict latency requirements in the next generation of mobile networks.
Overall, the ECE department has received two of the 37 awarded RINGS grants (the other one being led by Professor Salim El Rouayheb), which speaks to the quality of the research being conducted in the department.

Congratulations to Roy and the team!